Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Video: "Living History" The Maine Windjammer Project

Lewis R French built 1871 at the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse Rockland, Maine
Doug Mills
Maine Author Photographer
The Maine Windjammer Project
I spent yesterday morning in one of my favorite places in all the world.  The Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse, where my grandfather served as assistant keeper in 1912.  Who would have thought that I would end up working in the same place as my grandfather.  No I am not the keeper of the Rockland Breakwater Light, I am keeper of a different kind of light.  I am a keeper of the light of history.  My job is to preserve our history especially our sailing history and heritage for the generations yet unborn.

Stephen Taber built 1871
History is an odd thing, many of histories most important moments just slip past our eyes disguised as everyday life.  For hundreds of years sailing ships on the coast of Maine were so common and so numerous that no one payed them any mind.  Today only a handful of these beautiful craft are still sailing.  I stand in awe watching ships that were built in the 1800 and early 1900 sail past the old lighthouse, still making there way in this modern age, still making a profit for their owners!

Two of the ships that slipped past my cameras were built in 1871, the Lewis R French and the Stephen Taber.  The Isaac Evans , built in 1886, was as strong and graceful as the day she was built, as she sailed past on the morning breeze.  The last to come home was American Eagle, built in 1930.  She spent the first half of her life catching fish and transporting them to market.  Now she catches people and transports them on the vacation of a lifetime.

All too soon it is time to leave my retreat and return to the studio refreshed and inspired.

To learn more about The Maine Windjammer Project you can go to:

Isaac H. Evans Built 1886

American Eagle built 1930

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